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Two Temperature Heat Gun

  • Heat Guns (N/A 0)
  • Use for a variety of applications including heating shrink film, thawing pipes, removing paint varnish or adhesive stickers or loosening rusted or over-tightened nuts, screws and more
  • High temperature is 1,000° F
  • Low temperature is 600° F
  • 1200 W Max - 10 Amps
  • UL listed
$95.47 (Case Pack: 1 ea.)

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Two Temperature Heat Gun is available to buy in increments of 1
Case QuantityPrice
1$95.47 ea.
5 $90.70 ea.
10 $85.92 ea.
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Industrial grade heat gun with two heat settings.

A two-temperature heat gun is a versatile tool that can be used for a variety of applications. With two temperature settings, typically high and low, it allows for precise control over the amount of heat being applied. This makes it suitable for tasks such as shrink-wrapping, paint stripping, and thawing frozen pipes. One common use case for a two-temperature heat gun is in the automotive industry. It can be used to remove decals, stickers, and adhesive residue from vehicles without damaging the paint. The low temperature setting is ideal for this task as it provides enough heat to soften the adhesive, making it easier to remove. Another use case is in the construction industry. A two-temperature heat gun can be used for tasks such as bending plastic pipes, soldering copper pipes, and drying wet surfaces. The high temperature setting is suitable for these applications as it provides enough heat to achieve the desired results quickly and efficiently. Overall, a two-temperature heat gun is a valuable tool that offers flexibility and control in various situations. Its ability to provide different heat levels makes it suitable for a wide range of tasks, making it a must-have for professionals and DIY enthusiasts alike.

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